Introduction to a Commuter Student

"Live with a man 40 years. Share his house, his meals. Speak on every subject. Then tie him up, and hold him over the volcano's edge. And on that day, you will finally meet the man."

-Joss Whedon

I never realized what an awful person I was until I found myself at five minutes til class searching for a parking space the day of an exam. Being a somewhat punctual person, I made a point of arriving on campus with a planned excess of about twenty minutes prior to class each day I commuted to the Norman campus at the University of Oklahoma. This habit was fairly well established by the time midterm examinations rolled around my first semester. I felt comfortable and secure with my route, a drive of about fifty minutes from the north side of Oklahoma City. My exits were firmly conditioned, and I could drive it easily without having to constantly remind myself to pay attention to the road. I have always struggled with using a GPS navigator or software; the robot voice interruptions every few minutes I choose to avoid when possible.

And then came the construction.

Gone was my routine and twenty-minute time cushion! Gone was my comfortable walk in the sunshine, as I sipped coffee and made my way to class! Gone was the knowledge that a parking space would be securely mine!

No notice was given, that I was aware of. One day, as I drove towards my looming exam, a wall of orange and white blocked my windshield. Cones and construction workers and striped barriers filled my view. Streets were blocked off, detours were poorly detailed, and I found myself racing up one side street and down another, just to find another dead end. My goal, the Asp Avenue Parking Garage, was very near, but I simply lacked the Norman street knowledge to approach it in time. As I rounded yet another unknown turn, I saw a clear path at last. My entrance to the garage was decidedly unsafe, and I realized that I had broken a cardinal rule.

Never arrive past nine.

I am not proud of my actions that day. My normally patient and courteous driving style was replaced with that a vicious maniac screeching through the garage and glaring mad-eyed at potential competitors in the race for a space. I sped, honked, threw my hands in the air, and even managed to cut off at least three drivers, all to no avail. This, I realized, was not a part of me I was comfortable with. This was my volcano. Looping through again and again there were no spaces to be had, and perhaps twenty other unfortunates in my same plight joined me as I began to despair. Then, just when all hope was lost, something miraculous occurred. A young student stared straight at me and pointed at his car, perhaps forty feet ahead, as he exited the stairwell. I was fortunate that day, and the satisfaction and relief I enjoyed as I parked was immeasurable. My exam was only four minutes away, but I had found a parking space. All was right with the world again.

Subterranean Parking Lot
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons


  1. Hi Laura! My name is Chelsea Journee and I am in your online Indian Epics class. This blog post made me laugh so hard because it is so relatable. The anger and competitiveness that fills me the instant I enter the Asp parking garage is insane. I don't know how, but something STILL needs to be done about the parking situation on campus.

  2. Hi Laura! That is crazy that you commute every day with a fifty minute drive! My home is about forty five minutes away from campus but I do not have the motivation to commute to and from home every day so I live on campus. I have definitely had my difficulties with trying to find parking and I have gotten multiple tickets too even though I bought a parking pass.

  3. Oh, Laura, my distance-learning heart goes out to you! One of the things I am very glad about as the teacher of an online class is that I will never require people to go park on campus. Not even in good weather, and certainly not in rain or sleet or snow. I don't even require you to get out of your pajamas! And now I am imagining some epic parking lot, where getting your car parked involves not just looming construction, but savage rakshasas and asuras who must be fended off with magical mantras and cosmic astras. The epic quest for parking could definitely be a story to tell some week in this class ... it could be both creative and therapeutic! And written safely from the comfort of your own home. :-)

  4. Hi Laura! Wow! I can't even imagine how you felt. The limited parking at OU has caused me to be late for class, but I can't even begin to imagine how you must have felt to not find one before an exam. OU definitely needs to work out the kinks of it's parking system, especially for commuters. Also, you drive fifty minutes to OU everyday?! Wow! I have to drive OKC once a week and still can barely stand the drive. I definitely could not do that drive daily.

  5. Hi Laura!

    You are not an awful person I'm sure! I completely understand the difficulty with finding parking and there's even more pressure when you have an exam. Something definitely needs to be done about the parking situation on campus. It's unfair for commuters and it's frustrating that we pay so much money and don't have parking.

  6. Hey Laura!
    I am a big fan of how you decided to do your introduction post. your story made me laugh and I'm sure is very relatable to many of us taking this class. As a fellow commuter student I feel your pain with the roadwork around Norman, sometimes it can be a real pain. I hope you don't have to go through that experience again, but I'm glad it worked out well for you :).

  7. Hey there, Laura!
    I really enjoyed reading about your parking nightmare. I think that is the nightmare situation for a lot of us students. I have always been one to arrive ten minutes before any exam. I cannot imagine how you must have felt that morning. I am happy that you were able to make it to class on time. Thinking about the whole situation gave me anxiety.

  8. Hey Laura! This is the best introduction I have ever read. Although you only talked about your commute to school, it is one of the most relatable stories ever. I like to think of myself as a calm, patient person, but when I am late to class I become pissed off at every little thing. Then I look at the situation from an outside perspective and feel really bad about how I acted.

  9. Hi Laura!!
    The parking struggle is REAL! I definitely could apply this situation to myself (minus the commute). I am always early, but parking makes being early not enough some days. Just last week I arrive on campus 45 minutes early thinking I was going to have time to get some homework done before class, but that wasn't the case. Fast forward to 5 minutes before class and I was just finding a parking spot and hauling booty to class only to be late. It is extremely stressful running late!

  10. Hi, Laura! I am cracking up. I often park in Catlett Parking Garage and it can get very hectic in there, let me tell you. I have seen a woman get out of her car to yell at someone trying to take the parking spot she wanted!! Too funny. Sometimes it takes me 20+ minutes to find a spot so I relate. Thanks for sharing! Jessie

  11. Hi Laura, it is impressive your patience with such long commute/the challenge of finding a parking spot daily. I am sure someone has probably told you this tip before, but have you ever considered parking at the traditions east complex and taking one of the buses in to campus? I know several of my friends do this as not only a way to guarantee a parking spot, but also to not have to pay for a parking pass.

  12. Hey Laura!
    First off, I totally understand how difficult it is to find parking here at OU! And I really liked your parking nightmare story it’s very relatable. Also I really like the design and layout of your blog. I hope your having a great semester so far and I cant wait to see what else you add to your blog.

  13. Hi Laura! Parking at OU is the absolute worst and the parking enforcement doesn't make it easier. I've never had to park that soon before an exam but I can imagine it is a crazy stressful situation. I really like your writing style and am excited to read the rest of your blog. Good luck commuting to the rest of the year!

  14. Hi Laura! I like your Introduction! I also am from the north side of Oklahoma. I'm really lazy though so I chose to live in Norman for my college career but there are days where I wish I could commute and be with my family. I'm glad a student helped you out! I usually will try to do that too on occasions for other students since I know how frustrating is to find parking. You'd think OU would do something about it by now but I guess not. It was nice meeting you! Good luck!

  15. Hey Laura! First off I just have to say I love your name since it's my mom's name so I had to click on your blog haha! But i feel you on the pains of commuting. My family lives in south OKC (slightly better than your situation!) and I have had to commute from there in the past. Commuting sucks but I always just tried to remind myself of what I was saving in rent and that I was saving up for study abroad! But it still sucks!


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