Week 8 Progress

So far, I am managing to balance out this course's time needs fairly well. I don't feel rushed when I complete the reading assignments, as I try to knock all of that out early on in the week. I also feel this leaves me with more time to focus on the creative aspects of the course, which I really appreciate. I am always surprised with how long the hidden editor within chooses to spend once the body of the post is finished, and I would like to allocate more time than I am using now on the really fun stuff: writing those stories.

I would like to challenge myself to use more of the EC options, as I've barely touched any so far and it would be so nice to have that cushion as the semester end approaches (bringing final exams along with it). This will be a change I want to implement over the second half of the semester, along with budgeting more time for the storytelling component of the course.

Finally, I would also like to push myself into using different approaches for the stories. I tend to a cold, third-person narrative, and I would like to use dialog more effectively (I feel like all the dialog I use is somewhat forced, and can distract from the actual story).

A lil' Richard Simmons motivation
Image Source: Pinterest

Bob Ross at his finest
Image Source: Imgur


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