Typing Test Tech Tip

I haven't checked my typing speed in a while, so this was a great refresher on exactly where my speed slows down. The KeyHero was more challenging, as the sample to type from included lots of punctuation and characters besides alphanumeric (which probably makes it a better test), while the TypingTest was more literature and less dialogue. 

I'm happy with my typing speed. It was faster when I was younger (reflexes do seem to deteriorate with age), and I would like to thank AOL instant messenger for all the practice I got in my early formative years, as that program did more for me than any speed typing software, haha. 

I'm also pretty happy with the accuracy too, although that's not such a big deal anymore now that we use word processors and not actual typewriters. I will probably come back to both of these in a few months and see if I'm deteriorating or improving with All. These. Senior. Papers. Due....

Typing results - KeyHero

Typing Results - TypingTest


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